I was getting quite frankly sick of a new overly stylish zombie films being churned out every week until I saw this. The list of second rate Romero, Fulci and computer game inspired undead films that rose in the wake of Shaun Of The Dead was getting very very tiresome.
Fortunately Dead Snow is quite an exception to the genre as it is not only extremely bloody(in an early Peter Jackson sort of way) highly original in it's locations and storyline(Nazi Zombies attacking medical students in a ski lodge in Norway), but also very funny. I was quite disappointed to have missed this film at Fright Fest last year as I'm pretty sure watching this with a highly excitable horror crowd would have made for quite an evening. Or Morning for that matter.
Dead Snow has quite a lot in common visually to the Evil Dead films, along with the fact that the characters, despite being fairly annoying to begin with became quite likable and by the films conclusion had me laughing heatedly at their predicament. Also, the usual splashes of sex and gore were portrayed in a surprisingly light hearted manner, making Dead Snow so much fun it's quite unlike any Horror film you'll be seeing again soon.
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