I wish this film had been bad in the way Zombie Lake was bad but alas, it's just abysmal in every way. I know I'm a bit late getting round to seeing this but while I was slightly ashamed to admit that I enjoyed Rob Zombie's first take on the Halloween franchise, I'm a bit embarrassed to even say I sat through this one! This film seems to consist of terribly executed scenes of unexplained flashbacks and dream sequences that appear to serve only as an excuse to have Zombie's wife Sheri Moon in the film a bit more. As with the first installment I found the use of Danielle Harris (who was a very young child in the original Halloween's 4 and 5)very strange. Not because I was used to seeing her as a kid, but because I wasn't used to seeing her running around topless, covered in blood. Sorry, but having been a fan of the early films these scenes leave a bad taste in the mouth and just don't sit well in the tradition of the original Halloween films. The violence in this film isn't interesting or original either, and unlike the over the top, comic book bloodshed and mayhem that soaked his previous films, here, it's just boring.
One redeeming feature (and the same can be said for all his films) is the cinematography and colour schemes are incredible, but this time, the film can't even be saved by his usually interesting retro rock n roll soundtrack, Even that falls flat. Sorry but it's really a struggle trying to find anything to recommend this. (even the usual dvd extras don't cut it)
Please don't give us a third film Mr.Zombie.
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